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  5. Entity fields

Entity fields

Each entity instance contains fields that are stored in the fieldInstances array.

The actual “easy to parse” value is stored in __value. Its type varies, based on the field type. See some examples below.

Note: if your field is, for example, an Integer limited to [1,5] range, and no value was manually provided in the editor, the __value field will be 1, to always comply with your field definitions.

Integer / Float / Bool / String fields

	"__identifier": "life",
	"__value": 3, 
	"__type": "Int",
	"defUid": 2,
	"realEditorValues": [ /* you shouldn't care about this thing */ ]

Color fields

	"__identifier": "hairColor",
	"__value": "#FF0000",
	"__type": "Color",
	"defUid": 58,
	"realEditorValues": [ /* only for the editor */ ]


	"__identifier": "enemyType",
	"__value": "Fighter",
	"__type": "LocalEnum.MonsterType",
	"defUid": 49,
	"realEditorValues": [ /* no one reads that anyway */ ]


Arrays of values work exactly the same for all types described above, except… well they are arrays.

	"__identifier": "colors",
	"__value": [ "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF" ],
	"__type": "Array<Color>",
	"defUid": 53,
	"realEditorValues": [ /* don't care */ ]