Missing classes or methods
Updating the Haxe libs will probably fix this issue:
haxelib update
If you use deepnightLibs, make sure you’re using the Git version:
haxelib git deepnightLibs https://github.com/deepnight/deepnightLibs.git
Same goes for the Heaps game framework:
haxelib git deepnightLibs https://github.com/deepnight/deepnightLibs.git
“Type XXX is redefined from module YYY“
This error means that some classes or types created from your “YYY” project have the same name as existing classes in your code, or in other LDtk imported projects.
The fix is easy. Just move your YYY class to a sub-directory and add a package
to it:
package sameAsTheFolder;
private typedef _Tmp = haxe.macro.MacroType<[