bgColor |
String Hex color "#rrggbb" |
Project background color |
defs |
Definitions |
A structure containing all the definitions of this project |
externalLevels  |
Bool |
If TRUE, one file will be saved for the project (incl. all its definitions) and one file in a sub-folder for each level. |
iid  |
String |
Unique project identifier |
jsonVersion |
String |
File format version |
levels |
Array of Level |
All levels. The order of this array is only relevant in LinearHorizontal and linearVertical world layouts (see worldLayout value). Otherwise, you should refer to the worldX ,worldY coordinates of each Level. |
toc  |
Array of Object |
All instances of entities that have their exportToToc flag enabled are listed in this array. This array contains objects with the following fields: identifier (String)instancesData (Array of Object) fields (Untyped) : An object containing the values of all entity fields with the exportToToc option enabled. This object typing depends on actual field value types.heiPx (Int)iids (Reference to an Entity instance) : IID information of this instancewidPx (Int)worldX (Int)worldY (Int)
instances (Array of Reference to an Entity instance) : *WARNING: this deprecated value will be removed completely on version 1.7.0+* ** Replaced by: instancesData
worldGridHeight Only 'GridVania' layouts  |
Int (can be null ) |
WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null . You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.
Height of the world grid in pixels. |
worldGridWidth Only 'GridVania' layouts  |
Int (can be null ) |
WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null . You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.
Width of the world grid in pixels. |
worldLayout  |
Enum (can be null ) |
WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null . You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.
An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space). Possible values: <null >, Free , GridVania , LinearHorizontal , LinearVertical |
worlds  |
Array of World |
This array will be empty, unless you enable the Multi-Worlds in the project advanced settings.
- in current version, a LDtk project file can only contain a single world with multiple levels in it. In this case, levels and world layout related settings are stored in the root of the JSON. - with "Multi-worlds" enabled, there will be a worlds array in root, each world containing levels and layout settings. Basically, it's pretty much only about moving the levels array to the worlds array, along with world layout related values (eg. worldGridWidth etc).
If you want to start supporting this future update easily, please refer to this documentation: |
appBuildId Only used by editor  |
Float |
LDtk application build identifier. This is only used to identify the LDtk version that generated this particular project file, which can be useful for specific bug fixing. Note that the build identifier is just the date of the release, so it's not unique to each user (one single global ID per LDtk public release), and as a result, completely anonymous. |
backupLimit Only used by editor  |
Int |
Number of backup files to keep, if the backupOnSave is TRUE |
backupOnSave Only used by editor  |
Bool |
If TRUE, an extra copy of the project will be created in a sub folder, when saving. |
backupRelPath Only used by editor  |
String (can be null ) |
Target relative path to store backup files |
customCommands Only used by editor  |
Array of Object |
An array of command lines that can be ran manually by the user This array contains objects with the following fields: command (String)when (Enum) : Possible values: Manual , AfterLoad , BeforeSave , AfterSave
defaultEntityHeight Only used by editor  |
Int |
Default height for new entities |
defaultEntityWidth Only used by editor  |
Int |
Default width for new entities |
defaultGridSize Only used by editor |
Int |
Default grid size for new layers |
defaultLevelBgColor Only used by editor  |
String Hex color "#rrggbb" |
Default background color of levels |
defaultLevelHeight Only used by editor  |
Int (can be null ) |
WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null . You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.
Default new level height |
defaultLevelWidth Only used by editor  |
Int (can be null ) |
WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null . You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.
Default new level width |
defaultPivotX Only used by editor |
Float |
Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities |
defaultPivotY Only used by editor |
Float |
Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities |
dummyWorldIid Only used by editor  |
String |
If the project isn't in MultiWorlds mode, this is the IID of the internal "dummy" World. |
exportLevelBg Only used by editor  |
Bool |
If TRUE, the exported PNGs will include the level background (color or image). |
exportTiled Only used by editor |
Bool |
If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LDtk JSON file (default is FALSE) |
flags Only used by editor  |
Array of Enum |
An array containing various advanced flags (ie. options or other states). Possible values: DiscardPreCsvIntGrid , ExportOldTableOfContentData , ExportPreCsvIntGridFormat , IgnoreBackupSuggest , PrependIndexToLevelFileNames , MultiWorlds , UseMultilinesType |
identifierStyle Only used by editor  |
Enum |
Naming convention for Identifiers (first-letter uppercase, full uppercase etc.) Possible values: Capitalize , Uppercase , Lowercase , Free |
imageExportMode Only used by editor  |
Enum |
"Image export" option when saving project. Possible values: None , OneImagePerLayer , OneImagePerLevel , LayersAndLevels |
levelNamePattern Only used by editor  |
String |
The default naming convention for level identifiers. |
minifyJson Only used by editor |
Bool |
If TRUE, the Json is partially minified (no indentation, nor line breaks, default is FALSE) |
nextUid Only used by editor |
Int |
Next Unique integer ID available |
pngFilePattern Only used by editor  |
String (can be null ) |
File naming pattern for exported PNGs |
simplifiedExport Only used by editor  |
Bool |
If TRUE, a very simplified will be generated on saving, for quicker & easier engine integration. |
tutorialDesc Only used by editor  |
String (can be null ) |
This optional description is used by LDtk Samples to show up some informations and instructions. |
exportPng Only used by editor DEPRECATED!  |
Bool (can be null ) |
WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 0.9.3 Replaced by: imageExportMode |