LDtk Json structure (version 1.5.3)

1. LDtk Json root

This is the root of any Project JSON file. It contains:

  • the project settings,
  • an array of levels,
  • a group of definitions (that can probably be safely ignored for most users).
Value Type Description
bgColor String
Hex color "#rrggbb"
Project background color
defs Definitions A structure containing all the definitions of this project
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, one file will be saved for the project (incl. all its definitions) and one file in a sub-folder for each level.
Generic badge
String Unique project identifier
jsonVersion String File format version
levels Array of Level All levels. The order of this array is only relevant in LinearHorizontal and linearVertical world layouts (see worldLayout value).
Otherwise, you should refer to the worldX,worldY coordinates of each Level.
Generic badge
Array of Object All instances of entities that have their exportToToc flag enabled are listed in this array.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • identifier (String)
  • instancesData (Array of Object) Generic badge
    • fields (Untyped) : An object containing the values of all entity fields with the exportToToc option enabled. This object typing depends on actual field value types.
    • heiPx (Int)
    • iids (Reference to an Entity instance) : IID information of this instance
    • widPx (Int)
    • worldX (Int)
    • worldY (Int)
  • instances (Array of Reference to an Entity instance) : *WARNING: this deprecated value will be removed completely on version 1.7.0+* ** Replaced by: instancesData
Only 'GridVania' layouts
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

Height of the world grid in pixels.
Only 'GridVania' layouts
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

Width of the world grid in pixels.
Generic badge
Enum (can be null) WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space).
Possible values: <null>, Free, GridVania, LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical
Generic badge
Array of World This array will be empty, unless you enable the Multi-Worlds in the project advanced settings.

- in current version, a LDtk project file can only contain a single world with multiple levels in it. In this case, levels and world layout related settings are stored in the root of the JSON.
- with "Multi-worlds" enabled, there will be a worlds array in root, each world containing levels and layout settings. Basically, it's pretty much only about moving the levels array to the worlds array, along with world layout related values (eg. worldGridWidth etc).

If you want to start supporting this future update easily, please refer to this documentation: https://github.com/deepnight/ldtk/issues/231
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Float LDtk application build identifier.
This is only used to identify the LDtk version that generated this particular project file, which can be useful for specific bug fixing. Note that the build identifier is just the date of the release, so it's not unique to each user (one single global ID per LDtk public release), and as a result, completely anonymous.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Number of backup files to keep, if the backupOnSave is TRUE
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, an extra copy of the project will be created in a sub folder, when saving.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) Target relative path to store backup files
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of Object An array of command lines that can be ran manually by the user
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • command (String)
  • when (Enum) : Possible values: Manual, AfterLoad, BeforeSave, AfterSave
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Default height for new entities
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Default width for new entities
Only used by editor
Int Default grid size for new layers
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Hex color "#rrggbb"
Default background color of levels
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

Default new level height
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this field will move to the worlds array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be null. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

Default new level width
Only used by editor
Float Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities
Only used by editor
Float Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String If the project isn't in MultiWorlds mode, this is the IID of the internal "dummy" World.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the exported PNGs will include the level background (color or image).
Only used by editor
Bool If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LDtk JSON file (default is FALSE)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of Enum An array containing various advanced flags (ie. options or other states).
Possible values: DiscardPreCsvIntGrid, ExportOldTableOfContentData, ExportPreCsvIntGridFormat, IgnoreBackupSuggest, PrependIndexToLevelFileNames, MultiWorlds, UseMultilinesType
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum Naming convention for Identifiers (first-letter uppercase, full uppercase etc.)
Possible values: Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase, Free
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum "Image export" option when saving project.
Possible values: None, OneImagePerLayer, OneImagePerLevel, LayersAndLevels
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String The default naming convention for level identifiers.
Only used by editor
Bool If TRUE, the Json is partially minified (no indentation, nor line breaks, default is FALSE)
Only used by editor
Int Next Unique integer ID available
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) File naming pattern for exported PNGs
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, a very simplified will be generated on saving, for quicker & easier engine integration.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) This optional description is used by LDtk Samples to show up some informations and instructions.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 0.9.3

Replaced by: imageExportMode

1.1. World Generic badge

IMPORTANT: this type is available as a preview. You can rely on it to update your importers, for when it will be officially available.

A World contains multiple levels, and it has its own layout settings.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
String User defined unique identifier
Generic badge
String Unique instance identifer
Generic badge
Array of Level All levels from this world. The order of this array is only relevant in LinearHorizontal and linearVertical world layouts (see worldLayout value). Otherwise, you should refer to the worldX,worldY coordinates of each Level.
Only 'GridVania' layouts
Generic badge
Int Height of the world grid in pixels.
Only 'GridVania' layouts
Generic badge
Int Width of the world grid in pixels.
Generic badge
Enum An enum that describes how levels are organized in this project (ie. linearly or in a 2D space).
Possible values: Free, GridVania, LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Default new level height
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Default new level width

2. Level

This section contains all the level data. It can be found in 2 distinct forms, depending on Project current settings:

  • If "Separate level files" is disabled (default): full level data is embedded inside the main Project JSON file,
  • If "Separate level files" is enabled: level data is stored in separate standalone .ldtkl files (one per level). In this case, the main Project JSON file will still contain most level data, except heavy sections, like the layerInstances array (which will be null). The externalRelPath string points to the ldtkl file.

A ldtkl file is just a JSON file containing exactly what is described below.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Hex color "#rrggbb"
Background color of the level (same as bgColor, except the default value is automatically used here if its value is null)
Only If background image exists
Generic badge
Object (can be null) Position informations of the background image, if there is one.
This object contains the following fields:
  • cropRect (Array of Float) : An array of 4 float values describing the cropped sub-rectangle of the displayed background image. This cropping happens when original is larger than the level bounds. Array format: [ cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight ]
  • scale (Array of Float) : An array containing the [scaleX,scaleY] values of the cropped background image, depending on bgPos option.
  • topLeftPx (Array of Int) : An array containing the [x,y] pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the cropped background image, depending on bgPos option.
Generic badge Generic badge
Array of Object An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • dir (String) Generic badge : A lowercase string tipping on the level location (north, south, west, east).
    Since 1.4.0, this value can also be < (neighbour depth is lower), > (neighbour depth is greater) or o (levels overlap and share the same world depth).
    Since 1.5.3, this value can also be nw,ne,sw or se for levels only touching corners.
  • levelIid (String) Generic badge : Neighbour Instance Identifier
  • levelUid (Int (can be null)) Generic badge : *WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0* ** Replaced by: levelIid
Generic badge
String (can be null) The optional relative path to the level background image.
Generic badge
String (can be null) This value is not null if the project option "Save levels separately" is enabled. In this case, this relative path points to the level Json file.
Generic badge
Array of Field instance An array containing this level custom field values.
identifier String User defined unique identifier
Generic badge
String Unique instance identifier
Generic badge
Array of Layer instance (can be null) An array containing all Layer instances. IMPORTANT: if the project option "Save levels separately" is enabled, this field will be null.
This array is sorted in display order: the 1st layer is the top-most and the last is behind.
pxHei Int Height of the level in pixels
pxWid Int Width of the level in pixels
uid Int Unique Int identifier
Generic badge
Int Index that represents the "depth" of the level in the world. Default is 0, greater means "above", lower means "below".
This value is mostly used for display only and is intended to make stacking of levels easier to manage.
Generic badge Generic badge
Int World X coordinate in pixels.
Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, the value is always -1 here.
Generic badge Generic badge
Int World Y coordinate in pixels.
Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, the value is always -1 here.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Hex color "#rrggbb"
The "guessed" color for this level in the editor, decided using either the background color or an existing custom field.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null)
Hex color "#rrggbb"
Background color of the level. If null, the project defaultLevelBgColor should be used.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Float Background image X pivot (0-1)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Float Background image Y pivot (0-1)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum (can be null) An enum defining the way the background image (if any) is positioned on the level. See __bgPos for resulting position info.
Possible values: <null>, Unscaled, Contain, Cover, CoverDirty, Repeat
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the level identifier will always automatically use the naming pattern as defined in Project.levelNamePattern. Becomes FALSE if the identifier is manually modified by user.

2.1. Layer instance

Value Type Description
__cHei Int Grid-based height
__cWid Int Grid-based width
__gridSize Int Grid size
__identifier String Layer definition identifier
Generic badge
Float Layer opacity as Float [0-1]
Generic badge
Int Total layer X pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.
Generic badge
Int Total layer Y pixel offset, including both instance and definition offsets.
Only Tile layers, Auto-layers
Generic badge
Int (can be null) The definition UID of corresponding Tileset, if any.
Only Tile layers, Auto-layers
Generic badge
String (can be null) The relative path to corresponding Tileset, if any.
__type String Layer type (possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer)
Only Auto-layers
Generic badge
Array of Tile instance An array containing all tiles generated by Auto-layer rules. The array is already sorted in display order (ie. 1st tile is beneath 2nd, which is beneath 3rd etc.).

Note: if multiple tiles are stacked in the same cell as the result of different rules, all tiles behind opaque ones will be discarded.
Only Entity layers
Array of Entity instance
Only Tile layers
Array of Tile instance
iid String Unique layer instance identifier
Only IntGrid layers
Generic badge
Array of Int A list of all values in the IntGrid layer, stored in CSV format (Comma Separated Values).
Order is from left to right, and top to bottom (ie. first row from left to right, followed by second row, etc).
0 means "empty cell" and IntGrid values start at 1.
The array size is __cWid x __cHei cells.
layerDefUid Int Reference the Layer definition UID
levelId Int Reference to the UID of the level containing this layer instance
Only Tile layers
Int (can be null) This layer can use another tileset by overriding the tileset UID here.
Generic badge
Int X offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerDef optional offset, so you should probably prefer using __pxTotalOffsetX which contains the total offset value)
Generic badge
Int Y offset in pixels to render this layer, usually 0 (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerDef optional offset, so you should probably prefer using __pxTotalOffsetX which contains the total offset value)
Generic badge
Bool Layer instance visibility
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of Int An Array containing the UIDs of optional rules that were enabled in this specific layer instance.
Only Auto-layers
Only used by editor
Int Random seed used for Auto-Layers rendering
Only IntGrid layers
Generic badge
Array of Object (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.0.0

Replaced by: intGridCsv

2.1.1. Tile instance Generic badge

This structure represents a single tile from a given Tileset.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Float Alpha/opacity of the tile (0-1, defaults to 1)
f Int "Flip bits", a 2-bits integer to represent the mirror transformations of the tile.
- Bit 0 = X flip
- Bit 1 = Y flip
Examples: f=0 (no flip), f=1 (X flip only), f=2 (Y flip only), f=3 (both flips)
Generic badge
Array of Int Pixel coordinates of the tile in the layer ([x,y] format). Don't forget optional layer offsets, if they exist!
src Array of Int Pixel coordinates of the tile in the tileset ([x,y] format)
Generic badge
Int The Tile ID in the corresponding tileset.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of Int Internal data used by the editor.
For auto-layer tiles: [ruleId, coordId].
For tile-layer tiles: [coordId].

2.2. Entity instance

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Array of Int Grid-based coordinates ([x,y] format)
__identifier String Entity definition identifier
Generic badge
Array of Float Pivot coordinates ([x,y] format, values are from 0 to 1) of the Entity
Generic badge
String The entity "smart" color, guessed from either Entity definition, or one its field instances.
Generic badge
Array of String Array of tags defined in this Entity definition
Generic badge Generic badge
Tileset rectangle (can be null) Optional TilesetRect used to display this entity (it could either be the default Entity tile, or some tile provided by a field value, like an Enum).
Generic badge Generic badge
Int (can be null) X world coordinate in pixels. Only available in GridVania or Free world layouts.
Generic badge Generic badge
Int (can be null) Y world coordinate in pixels Only available in GridVania or Free world layouts.
defUid Int Reference of the Entity definition UID
fieldInstances Array of Field instance An array of all custom fields and their values.
Generic badge
Int Entity height in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity definition.
Generic badge
String Unique instance identifier
Generic badge
Array of Int Pixel coordinates ([x,y] format) in current level coordinate space. Don't forget optional layer offsets, if they exist!
Generic badge
Int Entity width in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity definition.

2.3. Field instance

Value Type Description
__identifier String Field definition identifier
Generic badge
Tileset rectangle (can be null) Optional TilesetRect used to display this field (this can be the field own Tile, or some other Tile guessed from the value, like an Enum).
__type String Type of the field, such as Int, Float, String, Enum(my_enum_name), Bool, etc.
NOTE: if you enable the advanced option Use Multilines type, you will have "Multilines" instead of "String" when relevant.
__value Various possible types Actual value of the field instance. The value type varies, depending on __type:
- For classic types (ie. Integer, Float, Boolean, String, Text and FilePath), you just get the actual value with the expected type.
- For Color, the value is an hexadecimal string using "#rrggbb" format.
- For Enum, the value is a String representing the selected enum value.
- For Point, the value is a GridPoint object.
- For Tile, the value is a TilesetRect object.
- For EntityRef, the value is an EntityReferenceInfos object.

If the field is an array, then this __value will also be a JSON array.
defUid Int Reference of the Field definition UID
Only used by editor
Array of Enum (can be null) Editor internal raw values

2.3.1. Reference to an Entity instance Generic badge

This object describes the "location" of an Entity instance in the project worlds.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
String IID of the refered EntityInstance
Generic badge
String IID of the LayerInstance containing the refered EntityInstance
Generic badge
String IID of the Level containing the refered EntityInstance
Generic badge
String IID of the World containing the refered EntityInstance

2.3.2. Grid point Generic badge

This object is just a grid-based coordinate used in Field values.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Int X grid-based coordinate
Generic badge
Int Y grid-based coordinate

3. Definitions

If you're writing your own LDtk importer, you should probably just ignore most stuff in the defs section, as it contains data that are mostly important to the editor. To keep you away from the defs section and avoid some unnecessary JSON parsing, important data from definitions is often duplicated in fields prefixed with a double underscore (eg. __identifier or __type).

The 2 only definition types you might need here are Tilesets and Enums.

Value Type Description
entities Array of Entity definition All entities definitions, including their custom fields
enums Array of Enum definition All internal enums
externalEnums Array of Enum definition Note: external enums are exactly the same as enums, except they have a relPath to point to an external source file.
layers Array of Layer definition All layer definitions
Generic badge
Array of Field definition All custom fields available to all levels.
tilesets Array of Tileset definition All tilesets

3.1. Layer definition

Value Type Description
__type String Type of the layer (IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer)
Only Auto-layers
Int (can be null)
displayOpacity Float Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0)
gridSize Int Width and height of the grid in pixels
identifier String User defined unique identifier
Only IntGrid layer
Generic badge
Array of Object An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.
WARNING: the array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • color (String) Hex color "#rrggbb"
  • groupUid (Int) Generic badge : Parent group identifier (0 if none)
  • identifier (String (can be null)) : User defined unique identifier
  • tile (Tileset rectangle (can be null)) Generic badge
  • value (Int) Generic badge : The IntGrid value itself
Only IntGrid layer
Generic badge
Array of Object Group informations for IntGrid values
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • color (String (can be null)) : User defined color
  • identifier (String (can be null)) : User defined string identifier
  • uid (Int) : Group unique ID
Generic badge
Float Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect.
Generic badge
Float Parallax vertical factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect.
Generic badge
Bool If true (default), a layer with a parallax factor will also be scaled up/down accordingly.
Generic badge
Int X offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerInstance optional offset)
Generic badge
Int Y offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the LayerInstance optional offset)
Only Tile layers, Auto-layers
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Reference to the default Tileset UID being used by this layer definition.
WARNING: some layer instances might use a different tileset. So most of the time, you should probably use the __tilesetDefUid value found in layer instances.
Note: since version 1.0.0, the old autoTilesetDefUid was removed and merged into this value.
uid Int Unique Int identifier
Only Auto-layers
Only used by editor
Array of Object Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • active (Bool)
  • biomeRequirementMode (Int) Generic badge
  • collapsed (Bool) This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.
  • color (String (can be null)) Generic badge
  • icon (Tileset rectangle (can be null)) Generic badge
  • isOptional (Bool) Generic badge
  • name (String)
  • requiredBiomeValues (Array of String) Generic badge
  • rules (Array of Auto-layer rule definition)
  • uid (Int)
  • usesWizard (Bool) Generic badge
Only Auto layers
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool Allow editor selections when the layer is not currently active.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers.
Only Entity layer
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of String An array of tags to forbid some Entities in this layer
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Height of the optional "guide" grid in pixels
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Width of the optional "guide" grid in pixels
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool Hide the layer from the list on the side of the editor view.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Float Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the content of this layer will be used when rendering levels in a simplified way for the world view
Only Entity layer
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of String An array of tags to filter Entities that can be added to this layer
Only Tile layers
Only used by editor
Float If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell.
Only Tile layers
Only used by editor
Float If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell.
Only used by editor
Enum Type of the layer as Haxe Enum
Possible values: IntGrid, Entities, Tiles, AutoLayer
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) User defined color for the UI
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of String Display tags
Only Tile layers, Auto-layers
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool Asynchronous rendering option for large/complex layers
Only Auto-layers
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0

Replaced by: tilesetDefUid

3.1.1. Auto-layer rule definition

This complex section isn't meant to be used by game devs at all, as these rules are completely resolved internally by the editor before any saving. You should just ignore this part.

Value Type Description
Only used by editor
Bool If FALSE, the rule effect isn't applied, and no tiles are generated.
Only used by editor
Only used by editor
Bool When TRUE, the rule will prevent other rules to be applied in the same cell if it matches (TRUE by default).
Only used by editor
Float Chances for this rule to be applied (0 to 1)
Only used by editor
Enum Checker mode
Possible values: None, Horizontal, Vertical
Only used by editor
Bool If TRUE, allow rule to be matched by flipping its pattern horizontally
Only used by editor
Bool If TRUE, allow rule to be matched by flipping its pattern vertically
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, then the rule should be re-evaluated by the editor at one point
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Default IntGrid value when checking cells outside of level bounds
Only used by editor
Array of Int Rule pattern (size x size)
Only used by editor
Bool If TRUE, enable Perlin filtering to only apply rule on specific random area
Only used by editor
Only used by editor
Only used by editor
Only 'Stamp' tile mode
Only used by editor
Float X pivot of a tile stamp (0-1)
Only 'Stamp' tile mode
Only used by editor
Float Y pivot of a tile stamp (0-1)
Only used by editor
Int Pattern width & height. Should only be 1,3,5 or 7.
Only used by editor
Enum Defines how tileIds array is used
Possible values: Single, Stamp
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Max random offset for X tile pos
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Min random offset for X tile pos
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Max random offset for Y tile pos
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Min random offset for Y tile pos
Only used by editor
Array of Array of Int Array containing all the possible tile IDs rectangles (picked randomly).
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Tile X offset
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Tile Y offset
Only used by editor
Int Unique Int identifier
Only used by editor
Int X cell coord modulo
Only used by editor
Int X cell start offset
Only used by editor
Int Y cell coord modulo
Only used by editor
Int Y cell start offset
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of Int (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.5.0

Replaced by: tileRectsIds

3.2. Entity definition

Value Type Description
color String
Hex color "#rrggbb"
Base entity color
height Int Pixel height
identifier String User defined unique identifier
Generic badge
Array of Int An array of 4 dimensions for the up/right/down/left borders (in this order) when using 9-slice mode for tileRenderMode.
If the tileRenderMode is not NineSlice, then this array is empty.
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9-slice_scaling
pivotX Float Pivot X coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)
pivotY Float Pivot Y coordinate (from 0 to 1.0)
Generic badge
Tileset rectangle (can be null) An object representing a rectangle from an existing Tileset
Generic badge
Enum An enum describing how the the Entity tile is rendered inside the Entity bounds.
Possible values: Cover, FitInside, Repeat, Stretch, FullSizeCropped, FullSizeUncropped, NineSlice
tilesetId Int (can be null) Tileset ID used for optional tile display
Generic badge
Tileset rectangle (can be null) This tile overrides the one defined in tileRect in the UI
uid Int Unique Int identifier
width Int Pixel width
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If enabled, this entity is allowed to stay outside of the current level bounds
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If enabled, all instances of this entity will be listed in the project "Table of content" object.
Only used by editor
Array of Field definition Array of field definitions
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool Only applies to entities resizable on both X/Y. If TRUE, the entity instance width/height will keep the same aspect ratio as the definition.
Only used by editor
Enum Possible values: DiscardOldOnes, PreventAdding, MoveLastOne
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum If TRUE, the maxCount is a "per world" limit, if FALSE, it's a "per level".
Possible values: PerLayer, PerLevel, PerWorld
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int Max instances count
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Max pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Max pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Min pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Min pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X)
Only used by editor
Enum Possible values: Rectangle, Ellipse, Tile, Cross
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable horizontally
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable vertically
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool Display entity name in editor
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of String An array of strings that classifies this entity
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0

Replaced by: tileRect

3.2.1. Field definition Generic badge

This section is mostly only intended for the LDtk editor app itself. You can safely ignore it.

Value Type Description
Only used by editor
String Human readable value type. Possible values: Int, Float, String, Bool, Color, ExternEnum.XXX, LocalEnum.XXX, Point, FilePath.
If the field is an array, this field will look like Array<...> (eg. Array<Int>, Array<Point> etc.)
NOTE: if you enable the advanced option Use Multilines type, you will have "Multilines" instead of "String" when relevant.
Only FilePath
Only used by editor
Array of String (can be null) Optional list of accepted file extensions for FilePath value type. Includes the dot: .ext
Only Array
Only used by editor
Int (can be null) Array max length
Only Array
Only used by editor
Int (can be null) Array min length
Only used by editor
Bool TRUE if the value can be null. For arrays, TRUE means it can contain null values (exception: array of Points can't have null values).
Only used by editor
Enum (can be null) Default value if selected value is null or invalid.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) User defined documentation for this field to provide help/tips to level designers about accepted values.
Only used by editor
String User defined unique identifier
Only used by editor
Bool TRUE if the value is an array of multiple values
Only Int, Float
Only used by editor
Float (can be null) Max limit for value, if applicable
Only Int, Float
Only used by editor
Float (can be null) Min limit for value, if applicable
Only String
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null) Optional regular expression that needs to be matched to accept values. Expected format: /some_reg_ex/g, with optional "i" flag.
Only used by editor
String Internal enum representing the possible field types. Possible values: F_Int, F_Float, F_String, F_Text, F_Bool, F_Color, F_Enum(...), F_Point, F_Path, F_EntityRef, F_Tile
Only used by editor
Int Unique Int identifier
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Array of String
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum Possible values: Any, OnlySame, OnlyTags, OnlySpecificEntity
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum Possible values: Hidden, ValueOnly, NameAndValue, EntityTile, LevelTile, Points, PointStar, PointPath, PointPathLoop, RadiusPx, RadiusGrid, ArrayCountWithLabel, ArrayCountNoLabel, RefLinkBetweenPivots, RefLinkBetweenCenters
Only used by editor
Enum Possible values: Above, Center, Beneath
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum Possible values: ZigZag, StraightArrow, CurvedArrow, ArrowsLine, DashedLine
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
String (can be null)
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the field value will be exported to the toc project JSON field. Only applies to Entity fields.
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If enabled, this field will be searchable through LDtk command palette
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Enum (can be null) Possible values: <null>, LangPython, LangRuby, LangJS, LangLua, LangC, LangHaxe, LangMarkdown, LangJson, LangXml, LangLog
Only Tile
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Int (can be null) UID of the tileset used for a Tile
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Bool If TRUE, the color associated with this field will override the Entity or Level default color in the editor UI. For Enum fields, this would be the color associated to their values.

3.3. Tileset definition

The Tileset definition is the most important part among project definitions. It contains some extra informations about each integrated tileset. If you only had to parse one definition section, that would be the one.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Int Grid-based height
Generic badge
Int Grid-based width
Generic badge
Array of Object An array of custom tile metadata
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • data (String)
  • tileId (Int)
Generic badge
Enum (can be null) If this value is set, then it means that this atlas uses an internal LDtk atlas image instead of a loaded one.
Possible values: <null>, LdtkIcons
Generic badge
Array of Object Tileset tags using Enum values specified by tagsSourceEnumId. This array contains 1 element per Enum value, which contains an array of all Tile IDs that are tagged with it.
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • enumValueId (String)
  • tileIds (Array of Int)
identifier String User defined unique identifier
padding Int Distance in pixels from image borders
pxHei Int Image height in pixels
pxWid Int Image width in pixels
relPath String (can be null) Path to the source file, relative to the current project JSON file
It can be null if no image was provided, or when using an embed atlas.
spacing Int Space in pixels between all tiles
Generic badge
Array of String An array of user-defined tags to organize the Tilesets
Generic badge
Int (can be null) Optional Enum definition UID used for this tileset meta-data
tileGridSize Int
uid Int Unique Intidentifier
Only used by editor
Generic badge
Object (can be null) The following data is used internally for various optimizations. It's always synced with source image changes.
This object contains the following fields:
  • averageColors (String (can be null)) Generic badge : Average color codes for each tileset tile (ARGB format)
  • opaqueTiles (String) Generic badge : An array of 0/1 bytes, encoded in Base64, that tells if a specific TileID is fully opaque (1) or not (0)
Only used by editor
Array of Object Array of group of tiles selections, only meant to be used in the editor
This array contains objects with the following fields:
  • ids (Array of Int)
  • mode (Enum)

3.3.1. Tileset rectangle Generic badge

This object represents a custom sub rectangle in a Tileset image.

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Int Height in pixels
Generic badge
Int UID of the tileset
Generic badge
Int Width in pixels
Generic badge
Int X pixels coordinate of the top-left corner in the Tileset image
Generic badge
Int Y pixels coordinate of the top-left corner in the Tileset image

3.4. Enum definition

Value Type Description
externalRelPath String (can be null) Relative path to the external file providing this Enum
iconTilesetUid Int (can be null) Tileset UID if provided
identifier String User defined unique identifier
Generic badge
Array of String An array of user-defined tags to organize the Enums
uid Int Unique Int identifier
values Array of Enum value definition All possible enum values, with their optional Tile infos.
Only used by editor
String (can be null)

3.4.1. Enum value definition

Value Type Description
Generic badge
Int Optional color
id String Enum value
Generic badge
Tileset rectangle (can be null) Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value
Generic badge
Int (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0

Replaced by: tileRect
Generic badge Generic badge
Array of Int (can be null) WARNING: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0

Replaced by: tileRect

Planned deprecations

The JSON format evolves on each app update. Sometimes, this means removing some values that are no longer relevant.

The following listing shows these values. If you're working on your own JSON parser, please make sure to update your code before this happens.

Learn more about deprecations rules in the documentation.

Will be removed in 1.7.0
Recently removed in 1.5.0
Removed since 1.4.0
Removed since 1.4.0
Removed since 1.2.0
Removed since 1.2.0
Removed since 1.2.0
Removed since 1.0.0
Removed since 0.9.3
All changes from this version only relate to internal values only used by the LDtk app. That means you can safely ignore them.

JSON version 1.5.3

LDtk saves its data in pure JSON format: a very easy to use standard which is supported by most modern frameworks. You can learn more about the LDtk format in the documentation.

JSON structure overview