Loading LDtk files

Your favorite engine/language is missing? No worry, we’ve got your back.

Game engines


  • LDtk Unity by Cammin
    A fully-featured Unity importer for LDtk.
    Uses ScriptedImporters to import an LDtk project/levels with many customizations and full documentation.


  • Monogame by IrishBruse
    A C# Monogame renderer.
  • Monogame for 0.9.3 by c0las
    A MonoGame importer that loads the values into MonoGame’s types. Support every feature, and doesn’t use anymore the pipeline. Also it’s an importer only, it doesn’t have any render function.


  • Godot4 GD script by afk_mario
    A customizable Import plugin for Godot4.
  • Godot by lrgilbert
    Basic GDscript for importing LDtk files into the Godot game engine.
  • Godot by JoshLee0915
    An import plugin that allows Godot to treat .ldtk files like native resources and uses them to create Godot scenes.


Game Maker Studio

  • Game Maker Studio for LDtk by Evoleo
    Loads LDtk levels as GMS2 Rooms and allows updating them in real-time without recompiling the game. Supports loading in Entities with Entity Fields as Instances, as well as Tile Layers and Enums

Löve 2D





  • cLDtk by PompPenguin
    C99 loader for the LDtk map editor.


  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.


  • C++ by AnomalousUnderdog
    C++ library for importing .ldtk file data and running auto-layer rules for runtime map generation. Works on 3DS homebrew and regular desktop environments. A separate demo uses SFML.
  • C++ Loader by Madour
    Use it to load LDtk levels in your game and access any data you need via the API.
  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.


  • JS/TS by Jan Procházka
    This library provides an API without all the noise of LDtk “editor-only” values, definitions, etc., combined with many utilities to make usage easier.
  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.



  • LdtkGo by SolarLune
    An LDtk loader I made in Golang. Has a renderer pre-made for use with ebiten.
  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.


  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.


  • Ldtk-Rust by Estivate
    Loads LDtk file into a typed Rust struct, should work with any Rust game framework, include example in Bevy Engine.
  • Ldtk-Rs by Katharos Technology
    Loads LDtk file into a typed Rust struct, should work with any Rust game framework, include example in Bevy Engine.
  • QuickType loader generated by QuickType
    Load and parse LDtk files, with full types definitions. Automatically generated from Json Schema using QuickType.


  • Kotlin by LeHaine
    Kotlin API with compile time code generation with a planned separate LibGDX module for rendering.